new way of cat-parenting

The new way of cat-parenting: Daily activities with your cat

Why should dogs have all the fun? Cats are as much part of the family and deserve abundant quality time with their hoomans.

Integrating cats into your life is a great way to reduce stress and have some fun. Having a cat around can make your day more enjoyable and can even help you stay more alert. Contrary to popular belief, cats are not lazy creatures - in fact, they are quite active when they want to be! Here are some tips for integrating cats into your daily routine:

  • Teach them how to walk on a leash and a harness
    Use this guide to teach them how to walk on a harness, and then a world of possibility opens before you!
  • Create a space for them in the backyard
    Don’t you just feel so guilty when you go out and your fluff ball is looking at you with those big googly eyes telling you, why are you not bringing me? Creating a space for them in the backyard is a great way to let them explore and get some exercise while keeping them safe and spending time together. This can be as simple as setting up a catio or attaching their harness to a sliding cable so they can walk around without getting into trouble. 
  • Get them used to car rides, so you can bring them on holidays: Personally, I leave my cats alone for a maximum of 36 hours, this means when I leave Saturday morning and come back Sunday night. I surely won’t bring them when I am going to a city to have a weekend out, but whenever I go to a quieter place or rent a cottage, I always bring them. I taught them to enjoy car rides when they were young, now, I just slide them into their bags, and they are ready to get some sleep while travelling. They are always happy to discover a new place, and they are always safe to do so with their harness and leash.
  • Make time for them during your usual workday: Now with the new work from home mindset, you can get even more time with your cat, so get a cat bed and put it in a sunny spot near your home office, this way you’ll get some relaxing moments just looking and petting your cat while you work. If you don't have a lot of space, you can also get a smaller bed or even just put a soft blanket near you.

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