Cat paws with toy

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Playing With Your Cat Right Now

Why you should be playing with your cat right now

Let’s face it, we love to cuddle our babies and be with them, but sometimes, when they jump on us with their favourite toy and their cuddly eyes while were just lounging and watching Netflix, getting up and playing with them might not be our idea of a perfect evening. Still, our babies need playtime, and we should oblige them. But not because of guilt but because of these lovely reasons to do it.

It releases stress for both of you: Just like sometimes you don’t feel like putting on your running shoes and running but come back so glad you did because of all of the endorphins it gives you, playing with your cat is the same. It releases tensions and anxiety and lets you be in the moment instead of in your head or on Netflix and it helps your feline friend release their tensions! Anxiety and stress are as harmful to our feline friends as they are to us. Stressed cats, just like stressed humans, are more likely to develop behavioral problems. For them, it can be aggression, urine spraying, or obsessive-compulsive disorders. So releasing the stress together is a perfect way to end the day.

It keeps you moving: Have you ever played hide and seek with your cat? If not, I promise you it is such fun and keeps you moving. After sitting down all day just to get up and sit down on the couch, I like to take a break to play with my cats. It allows them to use their natural hunting instincts and keeps their minds alert and active and it’s a fun way to take a break for you!

Bonding time: Let’s face it, we love our fluffy children and we love when they love us! So, it’s important to bond with them. Sure, cuddling is amazing bonding time, but sometimes you have to spice things up a little, so why not play with them? Plus, with the Bloire toys, you’ll not only have fun, but also have exquisite toys to play with, so that when you stop playing, they lounge around the house without any nuisance for the human eye. 

It might save your furniture: Ever noticed that when kitty is bored, he starts scratching your couch for fun, eating a house plant, or knocking off your decorative items? This might be the best time to engage in a play session. It’ll entertain and distract them and even you, seeing their mischievous face play around.  So go at it and give your cat a break!

Mental boost alert! One of the greatest weapons you have for your mental health. Your fluffy ball! Doesn’t their funny play face make you laugh? He can even surprise you with an unexpected pounce and put you in a better mood for the rest of your day! Never forget that cat videos are the most watched around the planet, and with them rocking your Bloire accessories, you’ll both look great! 

READ MORE: The Benefits of Having a Cat for Your Mental Health

So, what are you waiting for? Go have some fun with your furry friend! Missing a great toy to play with? Check out our website and see for yourself why we're so popular among trendy cat parents.

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