The Benefits of Having a Cat for Your Mental Health

The Benefits of Having a Cat for Your Mental Health

Anyone who’s ever owned a cat knows firsthand that there’s something calming and comforting about these beautiful animals and their silly antics. If you feel less stressed after spending time with your fur baby, but aren’t sure why, know that it’s not all in your head. Cats are therapeutic animals that bring joy and peace to their owners’ lives, so maybe it's not surprising that there are many mental health benefits of having a cat.

Top Mental Health Benefits of Having a Cat

For many people, a cat is so much more than a pet. Cats quickly become essential members of the family, but their value goes beyond cuddling and kitty games. From improved longevity to loyal companionship, here are some of the top mental health advantages you can experience when you have a loving feline in your life.

Improved Social Interactions

Cats are natural ice-breakers and make it easier to engage in conversations with others. Many cat owners discover that they feel more relaxed when other people are around along with their kitty. It’s also easier for people who love cats to develop social relationships with others who have a shared interest in cats.

A Better Outlook on Life

Life can be overwhelming at times, but one of the benefits of having a cat is that it can help you have a better outlook on life. If you’ve had a bad day at work or school and you come home to a purring cat who loves you unconditionally, you’re bound to feel better about things.

It turns out that even the purr of a cat is healing and therapeutic for humans. Cats typically purr in a range of 20-110 Hz, which can positively impact mental health.

Improved Coping Skills

If you’re dealing with any type of loss or sorrow in your life, a cat can help you cope. One of the top benefits of having a pet is that your animal friend can serve as emotional support during hard times. Whether you’ve recently lost a loved one, been laid off from your job or experienced discouraging news, don’t hesitate to turn to your cat for relief. Simply petting or holding a cat can help you get through difficult times and improve your ability to cope with emotional pain.

Decreased Stress Levels

Another benefit of having a cat is that it can lower your stress levels. Not only does this help with your mental health, but it can reduce your blood pressure and lower your risk of developing heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States. Whether you have a family history of heart disease or you simply want to ensure your heart is as healthy as possible, having a cat may help.  People who own one or more cats may be less likely to die from heart disease than people who don’t have cats.

Support for Mental Illness

There is a good reason why cats are often used as emotional support animals for those battling mental illness. Whether you occasionally feel down or you’ve been diagnosed with depression or any other form of mental illness, one of the benefits of having a cat is mental health support. These gentle animals are also good at helping people manage symptoms of PTSD.

Cats help their owners feel needed because they rely on their owners to care for them. This alone may be enough to distract people from their mental health issues and give them a greater sense of purpose. Such motivation can help people with mental health conditions to get up in the morning and live productive lives.

Reduced Loneliness

Cats make great companions for people who would otherwise be alone. For this reason and more, cats are often chosen by college students and widows or widowers. One of the benefits of having a cat is that they are very loving creatures with an innate ability to provide comfort and companionship to those who feel lonely.

Greater Happiness

You can’t help but feel joy when watching a cat play with toys or chase a laser light around the room. For those who struggle to see the positive aspects of life, having a cat may raise spirits. No matter what breed of cat you choose, you’re likely to experience greater overall happiness in your life as a direct result of living with a friendly feline.

Boosted Self-Confidence

Another of the benefits of having a cat is that they love you no matter what. Cats don’t care what you look like or how many friends you have. As long as you love them, they’ll return that love unconditionally. Being the recipient of this type of affection can boost feelings of self-worth and self-confidence. These feelings can, in turn, help you be more successful in your professional and personal relationships and roles.

Improved Sleep Quality

Some cat owners find that they sleep better when their pets are in bed with them. Cats can be comforting animals and evoke feelings of safety and security. If you have trouble sleeping, inviting your kitty to bed with you may be the key to finally getting some quality shut eye.

If you suffer from snoring or sniffles interfering with your sleep, reducing allergic reactions may help. Cat allergies are pretty common, but research suggests that early exposure to animals may be key to reducing allergies in general. A study shows that exposing young kids to cats may actually prevent them from developing cat allergies and other types of allergies later in life. Having a cat is not guaranteed to reduce allergies, but if it might help, why not try it?

Enjoy the Many Benefits of Having a Cat

Cats do so much for humankind, and it’s important for us to do as much as we can for them in turn. As you discover the mental health benefits of having a cat, don’t forget to repay your fur baby by giving them lots of love, treats and toys. Shop the impressive selection of premium, catnip-infused cat toys right here at Bloire and tell your cat “thank you” for being your loyal companion.

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