Three Reasons Why Your Cat Will Forever Remain Your Baby

Three Reasons Why Your Cat Will Forever Remain Your Baby

Why Your Cat Will Forever Remain Your Baby

There are many things in this world that can be unpredictable- the weather, the stock market, and politics, to name a few. But one thing that you can always count on is the fact that your cat will always be your baby and will always be cute. Yet, why is it that we always feel that way about our cats? Well, mainly because these little bundles come with an endless supply (or should I say bandwidth) of cuteness! However, I found out there are also interesting scientific reasons why we feel so protective over cats.


Here are three reasons why:

Their face

You know that small nose you always want to boop, those big googly eyes and funny mouth? Well, all of this makes us see them as babies! Cats have features that we call neotenous, meaning baby-like. Even their baby-like meow are meant to get them what they want from life. And since humans feel the need to protect cute creatures resembling babies, they are extremely attracted to cats. Cats never outgrow these features, unlike humans who may be toddlers, one day, but adults soon after becoming independent

The biscuit-making

Ever heard of biscuit-making? Of course you have. The perfect tendency cats have to make biscuits of soft surfaces is something they picked up from nursing with their mother, and it's a habit that promotes bonding between you too because the cat loves us just as much. We're their caretakers! This bond mimics what happens when humans are babies- no wonder kids don't appeal to me as my cats do; they already fulfill my heart quite nicely.

READ MORE: The new way of cat-parenting: Daily activities with your cat

You can't stand seeing them growing up.

That is called the primacy effect. It causes parental figures pain when they see children growing because we don't want them growing distant from us or becoming more independent, but what's even harder than seeing your little ones leave home for college just like clockwork each year? That would be kitten aging and losing those cuddly habits that made him so cute in the first place! 

So your cat will always be your baby, and your baby deserves the best. Go check out our beautiful toys so you can play with your kitty! And don’t forget to shop while you’re there – we know how much cats love new toys. Thanks for reading, and happy playing!

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